Building a sustainable future from plastic waste

We produce a 100% recycled plastic construction system [Bricks & Blocks] used to assemble houses and schools for vulnerable people, primarily women collectors in emerging countries. We complete this solution with a social and business empowerment methodology [The Way] to allow communities to build their futures through decent jobs and better payments improving the economic growth.
An exceptional program to reduce poverty, gender inequality, education and climate change.

The Way Methodology: a path to achieve economic growth
Our social impact changes lives through social and economic power for women and youth collectors in developing countries. We implement an innovative program to stimulate collective labor pursuing safe working conditions and better pay: a sustainable way to build strong communities and an optimistic lifestyle.

+ than 350 classrooms
Housing and school building solutions installed
Sustainable and measurable triple impact

+ 3000 Tons transformed
of plastic recovered from waste. Mostly it was on its way to the ocean.

+ 500 solutions built
and used by vulnerable communities.

600 collectors
Empowered or sensibilizated with better paid and access to training programs.